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Jonathan D. Solomon, MD, Solomon Eye Associates, Bowie, MD
I want to tell you how enlightening it has been working with the Retinal Acuity Meter (RAM®). I have found the tool to be an indispensable part of the lifestyle evaluation. When patients turn into clients, and are asked to share in their medical expenses, expectations are elevated. The health of the retina, foveal, and paramacular nerve fiber layer is paramount. The addition of the RAM® makes psychophysical testing very easy. The staff was able to gather necessary information rapidly and reproducibly. Patient compliance and compatibility is also much improved when compared to other acuity meters. Without hesitation, I can comfortably say the RAM is an essential part of the assessment of the cataract surgical candidate, and is equally important as corneal and macular tomography.
Harvey Minatoya, MD, Minatoya Eye Clinic, Inc., Hawaii.
"When the OCT shows wrinkles, I use the RAM to measure function and determine the significance of these abnormalities on vision. Even when the OCT is normal, I ensure the retinal function is good with the RAM prior to surgery. I have not found the RAM to overestimate or underestimate to a noticeable degree. The RAM gives me peace of mind."
David Boyer, MD, Clinical Professor Ophthalmology, USC/Keck School of Medicine, Retina Vitreous Associates Medical Group, Beverly Hills, CA.
"I find the RAM test an extremely useful tool in helping determine the visual potential in patients with cataract and other concomitant retinal pathologies such as Dry AMD or epiretinal membranes. A poor response on the RAM usually correlates with a poorer visual result with cataract extraction. I also use RAM testing in patients with decreased vision of unknown etiology to quickly rule out a refractive cause of the visual decrease."
Michael Breen, OD, Vice President of Crystalens Professional Development, Aliso Viejo, CA
"In our research, we understand the importance of accurately assessing potential postoperative visual acuity through retinal acuity testing. We found the Retinal Acuity Meter to be very helpful in quantifying the status of functional acuity and potential vision".
Bret L. Fisher, MD, Medical Director, Eye Center of North Florida, Panama City, FL.
"I have found the RAM to be an invaluable tool in my practice. As a part of my normal cataract surgical workup, I use the RAM as a measure of retinal function. This is especially important in assessing patients for whom a premium IOL is contemplated. The RAM has been much more useful in my practice than the PAM, which lacked accuracy, or even a macular OCT, which could tell me about structure but not function of the retina. In addition to helping accurately predict vision after cataract surgery, the RAM can also be used postoperatively in patients whose vision is not as good as expected."
Lorne D. Kapner, MD, North County Eye Center, Escondido, CA.
"In two days of clinical use the RAM has turned into one of those "How did I ever practice without it" type of devices. It gives me greater confidence in predicting surgical outcomes."
Joseph Parisi, MD, Medical Director, Clemson Eye, Clemson, SC.
"The RAM has helped me in my evaluation of candidates for presbyopia-correcting IOLs following cataract surgery." “RAM is important in selecting Alcon's ReSTOR lens candidates.” See: 6 part series in Refractive Eye Care
Jay S. Pepose, PHD, MD, Director of the Pepose Vision Institute & Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology, Washington Univ., St. Louis, Missouri., See: Cataract & Refractive Surgery , See "Mastering Refractive IOLs, The Art and Science" by David F. Chang, MD,
"Undetected dysfunction of the macula or optic nerve can be avoided in many cases through the use of diagnostic devices such as the AMA Optics Retinal Acuity Meter."
Harris Silverman, MD, Cataract Surgeon, Bradenton, FL., See: Ophthalmology Times
“I never perform cataract surgery without first assessing macular function with the RAM®. I always want to discuss with my patients what they are seeing and their potential post-operative vision. Every single cataract surgery evaluation I schedule includes a determination of macular function with the RAM®.”
Steven Kane, PHD, MD, Pediatric Neuro-ophthalmologist, Columbia University, New York, NY., See: Ocular Surgery News
"The RAM® can be a quick and easy alternative to expensive and more time consuming procedures when evaluating unexpected vision loss."
Michael J. Weiss, PHD, MD, Vitreo-retinal Surgeon, Columbia University, New York, N.Y., See: Ophthalmology Times
"I find the Retinal Acuity Meter (RAM®) is the best way to assess macular function in eyes with co-morbid disease. With this instrument I am able to determine what part of the vision loss is due to the cloudy media and what part is due to macular dysfunction."
Peter Libre, MD, Glaucoma Specialist, Norwalk, CT., See: Ophthalmology Management
"I have used the RAM® device daily in my clinic since 2000. It is indispensable for rapidly determining potential acuity. I use it before advising cataract surgery or laser capsulotomy (especially in the setting of severe glaucoma, AMD or epiretinal membrane), and to assess CME (cystoid macular edema) associated with uncertain refraction or media opacity. I believe the RAM® can help almost every ophthalmologist save time and improve outcomes."
George Howard, MD, Professor of Ophthalmology, Columbia University, New York, NY.
"The Retinal Acuity Meter combines familiar principles into a fast and easy system that accurately measures retinal acuity. The RAM has been a breakthrough for me in pre-operative screening of patients with cataract plus other causes of vision loss."
Bruce A. Segal, MD, Cornea and Cataract Specialist, Delray Beach, FL.
"I have been using the RAM for 4 months now and am extremely impressed with this device. I use it every day unlike my PAM that sits on the shelf. The RAM test is quick, accurate, and I am confident of the predicted vision prior to cataract surgery."
Matthew Paul, MD, Danbury Eye Physicians, Danbury, CT.
"We have been using the RAM for several years and have found it to be a consistent and reliable measure of post-operative vision in patients undergoing cataract surgery with retinal disease. We are impressed with its relative ease of use, and we find it well accepted and understood by our patients."
Robert Bourke, MD, Vision Retinal Institute of the Gold Coast, Australia
”I am using the RAM for the post macular hole patients and it gives the patients a good degree of reassurance. This is a much better era for macular hole patients. The OCT also demonstrates to the patient that their macular hole is sealed even whilst their cataract may be progressing and blurring their vision. The RAM is another nice instrument to help and it is also useful with patients who have macular degeneration and cataracts.”