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MacDx and MacHealth iOS apps released in February 2025!!
MacDx: Foveal Dark Adaptometer for iPhone, iPad, and iMac. Downloadfrom Apple store soon. Follow us.
MacDx Updates
MacDx is designed to discover macular disease to initiate early referral. This test is in addition to the tests by your care professionals and does not replace the usual eye examination.
White Dark Adaptation Test
Recovery time greater than 20 seconds in one or both eyes plus test variation of less than 20% CV.*
*Test each eye at least 4 times to ensue consistent results.
Color Dark Adaptation Test
Stimulus: White/Red/Green/Blue
Research to establish the normal values is ongoing. Watch for updates.
Dark Adaptation Curve
Duration: 15. 30, 60, 90 seconds
Research to establish the normal values is ongoing. Watch for updates